Wiki’s for BAC?

Last week, I detailed briefly what a micro-blog was, and how BAC is currently utilising this in their Enterprise 2.0 strategy. This week, I will examine how the corporation could make use of a corporate wiki as a means of generating business value. Namely, a wiki that could serve as a house for business intelligence.

A wiki within an organisation can hold immense amounts of invaluable company knowledge. For example, findings, tips and tricks of staff can be added to a wiki to assist in notifying other staff members, all at once instead of simply one to one interactions. Furthermore, when a staff member moves on from an organisation, instead of taking all the bits of knowledge they have gained through the course of their employment, usually priceless, is stored somewhere for others to be up to date on.

There are a multitude of options out there in terms of collaborative software for the modern enterprise. So the inherent issue here is that the correct one needs to be selected. As I did with the micro-blogging strategy, we must first cross examine the companies goals and values with technological. Keeping in mind of what was said here, the organisation wants to really build collaborative relationships and act with integrity and commitment. So, it is important that the wiki strategy that is selected aligns with this.

Having no knowledge of what currently is happening in terms of staff collaborative and wiki tools, it is difficult to suggest a direction to take. So, the best direction to suggest for a strategy for a wiki would be to employ some kind of packaged software that allows for staff to collaborate, and store information. Something like this, which allows not only wikis but a whole social experience for organisations would go hand in hand with the aforementioned goals for Brisbane Airport Corporation. Ultimately this will allow collaborative relationships to be built through staff and management alike, by keeping up to date wikis and intra-company blogs. All the while this will allow the organisation to be able to act with more integrity in the future, due to the fact that there will be knowledge housed in the application at staffs’ fingertips.

2 thoughts on “Wiki’s for BAC?

  1. 33mjb says:

    Hi Ash, once again, some insightful information here. Your idea for implementing the internal wiki strategy is great for storing and retaining knowledge. As you said, this will create a seamless transition should people change roles, and will add value to the corporation. Its also a great tool for collaboration, as it allows all employees the opportunity to become involved in something they might be interested in!

  2. Thanks Michael.
    I fully believe that this kind of approach will assist BAC in achieving their goals!

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